Love her.
Donya ke injori nemimone hamisheye rooz mijai migam nemikhamo nemishe
khial nakon hamishe delam barat mimire
ye roozi barmigardi ke dige kheyli dire
ye rooz miai soragham ke kheyli vaghte raftam
hezar hezar bahone az on negat geraftam
in roozaro yadet bashe yevaght nagi nagofti
on rooza dor nist ke be yade man bazam nayofti
Maryam Heydarzadeh
Salam ey tanha bahoone vaseye nafas keshidan
Hanoozam par mikeshe del vaseye be to residan
Vaseye javabe namat midoonam ke kheili dire
Bezar be hesabe ghorbat nakone delet begire
Azizam begoo bebinam che range roozegaret
Kheili doost daram too mahtab beshinam ye shab kenaret
Sareto ba mehrabooni bezari be rooye shoonam
To faghat vasam doa kon akhe donbale bahoonam
Halamo age beporsi khoobe tarifi nadare
Chon belataklife ashegh akhe taklifi nadare
Nakone azam beranji teshnam teshneye baroon
Cheghadr az darya ma doorim bi gonahim har dotamoon
Badjoori beham mirize mano gahi etefaghi
To age nabashi az man nemimoone chizi baghi
Midooni ke daste man nist
Midooni ke daste man nist Baziye sarnevehte
Roo ghashanga khat keshide zeshtaro vasam neveshte
Baz ke abri shod negahet boghzetam vasam azize
amma ashkato negahr dar nazar injoori berize
Man hanooz chizi nagoftam ke to taghatet tamoom shod
Baghisho begam mibini geryehat koli haroom shod
Hale man kheili ajibe doost daram pisham beshini
Man negahet bokonam ta too chesham eshgh ro bebini
Yadete mano to dashtim sade zendegi mikardim
Yadete mano to dashtim sade zendegi mikardim
Az hamin cheshmeye shafaf rahfe teshnegi mikardim
Ye dafe ye mehmoon oomad aghlamo yejoori dozdid
Deleto beroosh nayavord az hamoon daghighe fahmid
Avalesh fekr nemikardam ke delamo borde bashe
Ya delam goole cheshaye roshanesh khorde bashe
Ama na ama na gozashto didam dele man divoonetar shod
Be to goftamo delet az gheseye man ba khabar shod
Avalesh goftam ye hese ya ye ehterame sade
Ama bad didam ke eshghe akhe andazash ziade
To bazam taghat avordi Mesle pooneha too paeez
Sarneveshteto sefide majaraye man ghamangiz
Badjoori divoonatam man, fekr nakon in ye eteraze
Hamishe naboodane to karde in delo kalafe
Midoonam farghi nadare vasat ashegh boodane man
Midoonam vasat yeki shod boodano naboodane man
Midoonam doosam nadari mesle roozaye gozashte
Man khodam khoondam too cheshmat yekasi ino nevehste
Ama roohe man yek daryast por az mojo talatom
Sahelesh toee o mojash khanjaraye harfe mardom
Akh che lazati dare naze cheshmato keshidan
Akh che lazati dare naze cheshmato keshidan
Raftane ye rahe doshvar vase hargez naresidan
Man ke asemoon naboodam ama eshghe to ye mahe
Sarzanesh nakon delamo be khoda oon bigonahe
To ke cheshmaye ghashanget khooneye sata setarast
To ke labkhande talaeet vase man omre dobarast
Biyavo mesle gozashte joz be man be hame shak kon
Man bedoone to mimiram biyavo behem komak kon
To ke cheshmaye ghashanget khooneye sata setarast
To ke labkhande talaeet vase man omre dobarast
Biyavo mesle gozashte joz be man be hame shak kon
Man bedoone to mimiram biyavo behem komak kon
Salam ey tanha bahoone vaseye nafas keshidan
Hanoozam par mikeshe del vaseye be to residan
Vaseye javabe namat midoonam ke kheili dire
Bezar be hesabe ghorbat nakone delet begire
Azizam begoo bebinam che range roozegaret
Kheili doost daram too mahtab beshinam ye shab kenaret
Sareto ba mehrabooni bezari be rooye shoonam
To faghat vasam doa kon akhe donbale bahoonam
Halamo age beporsi khoobe tarifi nadare
Chon belataklife ashegh akhe taklifi nadare
Nakone azam beranji teshnam teshneye baroon
Cheghadr az darya ma doorim bi gonahim har dotamoon
Badjoori beham mirize mano gahi etefaghi
To age nabashi az man nemimoone chizi baghi
Midooni ke daste man nist
Midooni ke daste man nist Baziye sarnevehte
Roo ghashanga khat keshide zeshtaro vasam neveshte
Baz ke abri shod negahet boghzetam vasam azize
amma ashkato negahr dar nazar injoori berize
Man hanooz chizi nagoftam ke to taghatet tamoom shod
Baghisho begam mibini geryehat koli haroom shod
Hale man kheili ajibe doost daram pisham beshini
Man negahet bokonam ta too chesham eshgh ro bebini
Yadete mano to dashtim sade zendegi mikardim
Yadete mano to dashtim sade zendegi mikardim
Az hamin cheshmeye shafaf rahfe teshnegi mikardim
Ye dafe ye mehmoon oomad aghlamo yejoori dozdid
Deleto beroosh nayavord az hamoon daghighe fahmid
Avalesh fekr nemikardam ke delamo borde bashe
Ya delam goole cheshaye roshanesh khorde bashe
Ama na ama na gozashto didam dele man divoonetar shod
Be to goftamo delet az gheseye man ba khabar shod
Avalesh goftam ye hese ya ye ehterame sade
Ama bad didam ke eshghe akhe andazash ziade
To bazam taghat avordi Mesle pooneha too paeez
Sarneveshteto sefide majaraye man ghamangiz
Badjoori divoonatam man, fekr nakon in ye eteraze
Hamishe naboodane to karde in delo kalafe
Midoonam farghi nadare vasat ashegh boodane man
Midoonam vasat yeki shod boodano naboodane man
Midoonam doosam nadari mesle roozaye gozashte
Man khodam khoondam too cheshmat yekasi ino nevehste
Ama roohe man yek daryast por az mojo talatom
Sahelesh toee o mojash khanjaraye harfe mardom
Akh che lazati dare naze cheshmato keshidan
Akh che lazati dare naze cheshmato keshidan
Raftane ye rahe doshvar vase hargez naresidan
Man ke asemoon naboodam ama eshghe to ye mahe
Sarzanesh nakon delamo be khoda oon bigonahe
To ke cheshmaye ghashanget khooneye sata setarast
To ke labkhande talaeet vase man omre dobarast
Biyavo mesle gozashte joz be man be hame shak kon
Man bedoone to mimiram biyavo behem komak kon
To ke cheshmaye ghashanget khooneye sata setarast
To ke labkhande talaeet vase man omre dobarast
Biyavo mesle gozashte joz be man be hame shak kon
Man bedoone to mimiram biyavo behem komak kon
Mitt hjärta är krossad. För tillfället....
Tittade precis på , Prison Break sista avsnittet. Känner mig helt tom.
Why did he die?
Mycket fint slut iallafall. Sorgligt, men vackert.
Hoppas ja drömmer om min Miller ikväll.
Ye bar behet goftam dooset daram hezar bar goftam khodaya ghalat kardam!
ye pesar ba yek negah az ye dokhtar khoshesh eshgh aval az tarafe on shoro mishe
.....ta jaeeii ke zendegisho paye eshghesh mizare....
ama dokhtare harfasho bavar nemikone....
chon ye chizayije az ghabl dide va shenide.....ta dokhtar miad pesararo bavar kone pesare delsardo khaste mishe......
mire soraghe yeki dige......bad ke dokhtare taze tooneste pesararo bavar kone mire tarafesh ......ama pesararo ba yeki dige mibine....
injast ke mige hadsam dorost on eshtebahiro mikone ke ghablan shenide bood hame chiz az beyn mire ....
va in ghanoon baraye hame tekrar mishe ....... Chera??
hamishe yadet bashe,
chizi ke emrooz dari shayad arezooye diroozet boode va bozorgtarin arezooye fardat,
pas hamishe say kon ghadre chizi
ke emrooz dariro khoob bedooni,
hasrate chizi ke nadariro Nakhor!
.....ta jaeeii ke zendegisho paye eshghesh mizare....
ama dokhtare harfasho bavar nemikone....
chon ye chizayije az ghabl dide va shenide.....ta dokhtar miad pesararo bavar kone pesare delsardo khaste mishe......
mire soraghe yeki dige......bad ke dokhtare taze tooneste pesararo bavar kone mire tarafesh ......ama pesararo ba yeki dige mibine....
injast ke mige hadsam dorost on eshtebahiro mikone ke ghablan shenide bood hame chiz az beyn mire ....
va in ghanoon baraye hame tekrar mishe ....... Chera??
hamishe yadet bashe,
chizi ke emrooz dari shayad arezooye diroozet boode va bozorgtarin arezooye fardat,
pas hamishe say kon ghadre chizi
ke emrooz dariro khoob bedooni,
hasrate chizi ke nadariro Nakhor!
Diddi is not happy today!
Fan asså , nu mår jag inte alls bra
det börjar närma sig min kusins årsdag och det känns inte bra,
tanken av att hon levde under den här tiden för ungefär ett år sedan,
får mig o må sååååååååå dåligt!
Lyssnar på låtar som ger mig flashback från allt vi gjorde med varandra,
hur kul vi hade!
Synd gud att världen är så orättvis ibland!
Diddi is not happy todaaay!
Ska fasta under hela Ramadan , för hennes skull.. det får mig att må bra!
och jag hoppas att hon har det bra där uppe,
delam barat kheyli tang shode!
Be yade to ....
det börjar närma sig min kusins årsdag och det känns inte bra,
tanken av att hon levde under den här tiden för ungefär ett år sedan,
får mig o må sååååååååå dåligt!
Lyssnar på låtar som ger mig flashback från allt vi gjorde med varandra,
hur kul vi hade!
Synd gud att världen är så orättvis ibland!
Diddi is not happy todaaay!
Ska fasta under hela Ramadan , för hennes skull.. det får mig att må bra!
och jag hoppas att hon har det bra där uppe,
delam barat kheyli tang shode!
Be yade to ....
Break Up
Hot to get over a break up
The first thing that you should already know is that it's okey to cry.
Have good long cries. It's okey to be hurt and sad, and it's okey to be alone. It's okey to feel like you have messed up - accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy. On the other hand, you must also accept that you are a good person, and that you did your best and you're not the only one who made mistakes. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to begin to move on.
Let go. Understand that there is no benefit in holding on to heartache, regret, and hatred toward another person. Realize that although it is over, your relationship with that person was unique and special in a lot of ways. You can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time.
Remember those old catch phrases: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", "Everything happens for a reason", "There are other fish in the sea" and most of all, "This too shall pass". When you go through a breakup or some other emotionally challenging time in your life, you're actually getting closer to finding real happiness because you are getting to know your true inner self. This may or may not include other romantic relationships or an eventual long-term union. Whatever happens is okay, no matter what you choose to do in life.
If your ex has left you for another person then ask yourself: if s/he said s/he wanted you back, would you really want him or her? Would you ever trust him not to break your heart again? Would you be hurt, angry, distrustful when he is 10 minutes late calling you, wondering where she is, who he is with?
Every day, find something that will make you smile. Smiling really helps, even at the worst time of your life. You are free to be whoever you want to be now, without thinking "will he/she mind if I do that?". Nothing is more important than you. Love yourself, love life, and when you wake up, SMILE!
Do not go day by day and think of them with another person, and how you are supposed to be there with them, and that you are wasting time without them. You broke up for a reason, you may not know the reasoning or how could he/she get with another person so quick, but they did, and you have to move on from it. Don't keep pondering on "you should be there with him/her" because you shouldn't. You should be getting your life back together, and finding happiness in yourself that a new one will come along and sweep you off of your feet.
Don't get "I am never going to find someone else" stuck in your mind. The fear of that is normal after a break up. But you WILL find someone else, and that someone else will make you feel much more complete than who you were with before.
Do not constantly check the time on your phone; thinking what he/she is up to?, are they thinking of you?, or are they out with someone having fun while you are moping around the house! leave your mobile in a room that you are not in or even turn it off, this will also stop you checking to see if they have called or txted and will help stop you from wanting to contact them.
Please remember too that if it didn't work the first time and the second or third time with this person, you have already promised yourself that "this time it will work out" and "if only I had another chance". Youdid, and it didn't, and you do not need any more proof because deep down, you already know that it doesn't work between the two of you. that it's not going to work. For the sake of your heart and your health (emotional and physical), let go and move on.